TAYLORD Australian Cattle Dogs

 Taylord Australian Cattle dogs was started after many years of my owning other breeds. On a return trip from Sydney years ago,we passed a very long line of A.C.D.s all waiting to go into the Sydney Royal.  I fell in love right then..and was determind to get one of those.... as I felt they were for me,  we are both solid in build !! distrustful of strangers !! and very loyal to those we love.. I watched and studied the breed for a couple of years, then brought a lovely blue bitch pup who was the foundation of my dogs today, she was named  'SHELIA' and was the delight of my life. Pedigree as:

"NZ.CH.Claudale Blue Bijou. C.D.X." a natural heeler with the most fantastic temperament.

Over the years I have imported bloodlines to improve the breed in NZ, and have done testing on their offspring, with good and some times bad results.

It is with the help of the following kennels, that we have some lovely dogs now in NZ, these being, Tallawong, Doolagarl, Kombinalong, Baiamul, and very special thanks to Robyn Spargo of Pureheel Kennels, for entrusting me with some of her lovely dogs over the years. These kennels, as well as a few other Australian lines, have been the making of the breed in NZ..

With my daughter Jane, and also the help from Janes daughter, Bayley,  who also has a great love of the breed, we hope to be able to promote and show the Australian Cattle Dog for many years to come, with  the lovely imports coming into NZ over the years, the breed can only get better and better.

Kay Taylor.


Last Updated: 05/12/2023

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Contact Details
Kay Taylor
Gisborne, NZ
Phone : 06 8676297
Email : [email protected]

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