CH Taylords Pure Bundy

Date of birth : 9th Sep 2013
Sex : Dog
Owner : Jane Taylor
Sire : CH Taylords Aussie Assult
Dam :CH Rivergum Asena At Taylords (AI)
Tested P.R.A : Pattern 'B'
Bundy is a highly intelligent pup with a lovely nature.
- It doesnt get much better than this for BUNDY winning 4/4 NZ Bred of GROUPS and RESERVE OF GROUP! All under international judges at Wairoa Kennel Assn / Napier Kennel Assn 30/31 March 2019.
- On the 10th February 2019 at Hamilton Kennel Assn he won NZ Bred of GROUP under judge Zsuzsanna Balogh (Hungary)
- On the 5th October 2018 at NZ National Dog Show, he won Best of Breed.
- On the 5th August 2018 at Hutt Valley Kennel Assn (Show 2) he won NZ Bred of GROUP under judge G Kill (QLD)
- On the 4th August 2018 at Pencarrow Kennel Assn (Show 1) he won NZ Bred of GROUP under judge B Fears (NZ)
- 2017 Dogzonline results are in.. Bundy won Top Show Australian Cattle Dog of the year!
- On the 4th November 2017 at Poverty Bay Kennel Assn, he won New-Zealand Bred of GROUP under judge C Cederman (NZ)
- On the 29th October 2017 at Taupo Kennel Assn, he won RESERVE OF GROUP and Open of GROUP under judge Don Mahoney (NSW)
- On the 23rd October 2017 at Tauranga Kennel Assn, BUNDY won Open of GROUP under judge J Lobb (Canada)
- On the 6th October 2017, he won Best of Breed at the NZ National Dog show.
- On the 2nd July 2017 at Hutt Valley Kennel Centre, he won RESERVE OF GROUP under Judge Annette Bystrup (Denmark)
- On the 7th May 2017 at Hawkes Bay Kennel Assn, he won NZ Bred of GROUP under Judge Mrs Susan Bruno (Qld)
- On the 30th April 2017 at Eastern Bay of Plenty Kennel Assn, he won NZ Bred of GROUP under Judge Mr S Peel (NZ)
- On the 5th November 2016 at Poverty Bay Kennel Assn he won BEST OF GROUP & Open of GROUP under judge L Strongman (NZ)
- Big Congratualtions to Bundy for an awesome 2015! NZ No.1 Australian Cattle Dog (D.O.L Pointscore), NZ No.1 Australian Cattle Dog Rising star (D.O.L Pointscore) & NZ No.1 Australian Cattle Dog Show Dog of the year (D.O.L Pointscore)
- On the 7th & 8th November 2015 at Poverty Bay Kennel Assn, he won 1x BEST OF GROUP, 1x Reserve of GROUP, 2x Intermediate of GROUP & 1x Intermediate IN SHOW under judges John Perfect and Polly Middleton.
- On the 1st November 2015 at Taupo Kennel Assn he won BEST OF GROUP & Intermediate of GROUP under judge Kenneth Buxton (USA)
- On the 10th May 2015 at Hawkes Bay Kennel Assn he won Junior of GROUP followed by JUNIOR IN SHOW! under judges Robert Cleland (SA) and Judy Horton (Vic)
- On the 9th May 2015 at Hawkes Bay Kennel Assn he won Junior of GROUP under judge Judy Horton (Vic)
- On 2nd May 2015 at Kawerau Kennel assn he won Junior of GROUP under judge Mrs Silvana Tassan.
- On the 8th & 9th November 2014 at Poverty Bay Kennel Assn, he won 2x Junior Of GROUP under judges Yvonne Smith and John Stanton.
- On 11th October 2014 at Tauranga Kennel assn he won Junior of GROUP under judge Margret Dalos.
- On the 3rd October 2014 at the NZ National Dog Show, Bundy gained Best of breed and Junior of breed under Judge Cate Elizabeth Cartledge (UK), and also gained his final challenge over 12 months to become a NZ Champion! (NZKC Pending)
- On 6th September 2014 at Huntly and District Kennel assn he took out Puppy of GROUP under judge Sharron Lancaster (NSW)
- On 5th July 2014 at Hutt Valley Kennel Centre (Show 2) he took out Puppy of GROUP under judge Mr B Anderson (NZ), and on the next day (6th July, Show 1) he won PUPPY IN SHOW under Judge Mrs Judy Horton (VIC)!!
- On 4th May 2014 at Eastern Bay of plenty Kennel assn he took out Puppy of GROUP under judge Mr Anton Weil (QLD)
- This weekend Bundy had his last show in Baby Puppy, and his first as a Puppy being 6 months old on the day of the 2nd show. And wow what a weekend.
Day 1:
Best Of Breed, Baby Puppy Of GROUP
Day 2:
Best Of Breed, Puppy of GROUP and PUPPY IN SHOW.
Hamilton K.A (8th & 9th March 2014)
On his first outing at just 4 months old, Bundy has achieved :
2x Best of Breed
2x Reserve Best of breed
4x Baby Puppy Of breed
2x BABY PUPPY OF GROUP (Under International Judges/Aust/Ireland)
(18th and 19th January 2014)

